
What is Hydro-Seeding?
Commercial landscapes, home lawns, roadway berms and athletic fields can all be seeded very quickly and inexpensively using hydraulic seeding equipment. The seeding process itself involves loosening the soil surface, broadcasting the selected seed variety to the area, and applying a mixture of mulch material, fertilizer and water. When sprayed over the prepared surface, Mother Nature takes over. The mixture is applied uniformly with quick green-up. With hydro-seeding there is a higher germination and survival rate of the seed, along with the reduction of soil erosion. Difficult to reach areas such as slopes, berms, ditches and tight areas around floral beds and walkways can easily be accessed.
Why is hydro-seeding better than conventional seeding or sod?
Hydro-seeding greatly improves results over conventional seeding by creating an organic micro-environment for fast germination and establishment of the turf. The hydro-seeding mulch enhances moisture retention and reduces erosion. Drying out and erosion are the two main reasons for failure with conventional seeding. The hydro-seeding mulch also prevents soil crusting and soil temperature fluctuations. Compared to sod, hydro-seeding is a fraction of the cost. Seed selection is another benefit of hydro-seeding over sod.
Is hydro-seeding the right choice for you?
Hydro-seeding is not an instant lawn, like sod. It will take up to three weeks to have 100% germination. The products applied are perishable and will fail if not properly cared for, just as sod will. If heavy rain occurs before the seed has established, you should expect some erosion. Spot seeding of eroded areas may be needed.
Hydro-Seeding is the fast, easy way to get a new lawn
Advantages of Hydro-Seeding
- If planting a relatively large area, hydro-seeding can be completed in a very short period of time.
- Hydro-seeding can be very effective for hillsides and sloping lawns to help with erosion control and quick planting.
- Hydro-seeding will typically cost less than planting with sod, but more than regular seeding.
- Results are often quick with high germination rates producing grass growth in about a week and mowing maintenance beginning around 3-4 weeks from the date of application. Fiber mulch accelerates the growing process by maintaining moisture around the seeds thereby increasing the rate of germination.
We can prep the area for a new construction house or just replace a front or back yard
- We can come in and hydro seed after a contractor gets done with a project.
- Don’t let a contractor use hay or strew.
- You’d have rake it up or that hay and strew could blow around.
- Let us hydro seed it so you’ll get a good seed and soil contact or even spread of seed and soil amendments.
- If your current landscape and excavation company needs help please reach out.
Winter Lawn Damage: Has winter weather taken a toll on your lawn?
The smell of fresh, green grass is one of the very best things about spring, but that simple pleasure can be ruined if the snow recedes and you discover your grass is looking less than perfect. Thinned out, diseased turf, and even dead patches commonly occur even on otherwise good lawns when winter’s poor growing conditions take their toll.
Winter lawn damage is a common problem in Maine, but it doesn’t have to mean your hopes of a beautiful lawn are shattered. We can restore your lawn to one you’ll be proud of.
We can renovate your winter-damaged lawn
Let us quickly and professionally repair whatever damage has been done. Our hydro-seeding process has been specifically designed for this purpose. No longer will you have to worry about how your lawn will look after the snow finally melts.
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Or Email us at: ckclandscaping21 at yahoo dot com
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